Satan Is My Father

"I’d been under the impression that War Penis was a global sensation. Their name and their logo sat next to Guns N’ Roses and Metallica lyrics chiseled in ballpoint on tables in the cafeteria. War Penis, I thought, must be part of the same evil, underground scene. But here was their singer, the stoned kid sitting next to me in art class, and for me it was a revelation as meaningful and bracing as the first time I talked to the track girl, who, one day, wearing her uniform, all red and gold, sat next to me...."
This zine about forgotten, misremembered, and nonexistent bands features contributions from Jake Austen, Brian Cremins, Allison Felus, Richard Hodge, Gene Kannenberg Jr., David McCarty, Kate Merena, Liz Shulman, and Tony Trigilio.